My Own Blog?

My Own Blog?

Recently I was as asked why I didn’t have my own blog. I thought to about it and the TL;DR is that this is my happy place. Why would I ever set off into the wilds of the interwebs on my own? No thank you.

See, this is home for me and home is where the proverbial heart is. I get to hang out and explore this awesome hobby, while interacting with the community, alongside one of my favorite people in the world (PE) and that, above all, makes me a very happy camper. Who wouldn’t want to hang out with their besties?

Most hobbies are social affairs. You may do individual tasks on your own: set up a photo shoot, dress the dolls, write a few words for a blog post – whatever helps your happy, but the journey, the discovery of new ideas, and the end result of your hard work is best when it’s shared.

Our blog-owner proudly claims the title of introvert; she lives up to it, too. Full disclosure, I can’t; I’m too much of a theatre nerd and will karaoke the moment I see a microphone. Just like playing an instrument, your biggest gains come from performing with other musicians. So, too, with any hobby. It’s the community that builds growth.

This isn’t to say individuals can’t experience growth. They absolutely can, and do, but it’s the sum of us that benefit the most from it. I enjoy the company of likeminded individuals, but even then, I like the subtle differences between us more. That’s where inspiration springs from.

So why don’t I have my own blog? Because I don’t want to go at this, or anything else, alone. The company I keep empowers me, enlightens me, and brings me joy.

Why would I go anywhere else, when I have what I want, what I need, right here?

* I would have taken a picture of the dolls from the front to get those beautiful faces, but the generic curvy made to move strawberry blonde doll I’ve got as my “Moira Body Double” doesn’t come close to the real deal, and I’m not that good at photoshop!

Bench Warming 101

Bench Warming 101

Happy Birthday, Jacinda!

Happy Birthday, Jacinda!