Womp, womp.

Womp, womp.

I was really excited back when Mattel leaked the preliminary shots of the second-wave of Extra dolls. I’d said before that if they were marrying fully articulated dolls with extra dolls, I was interested. It looked like Mattel were actually listening to their customers and I put the dolls in my shopping baskets where I could.

TL; DR: Mattel were not listening.

They’ve decided to downgrade the articulation to fashionista level, because nothing says natural, easy posing like not being able their legs 90 degrees? Here are the latest images of the extra dolls that I won’t be spending any money on:

Plastically Perfect - Barbie Extra Wave 2 - Official Mattel Images - Not MTM Bodies - Purple Hair.jpg
Plastically Perfect - Barbie Extra Wave 2 - Official Mattel Images - Not MTM Bodies - AA Doll.jpg
Plastically Perfect - Barbie Extra Wave 2 - Official Mattel Images - Not MTM Bodies - Basic Blonde.jpg

Mattel, I’m so disappointed with this. Please, make more fully articulated dolls. Wave 1 made to move dolls are selling for 5 times their original price for a reason. How can you be this bad at reading the room?

Fingers crossed

Fingers crossed

Rainy afternoon

Rainy afternoon