Me?  Is that You?

Me? Is that You?

Because I’ve been suffering from a combination of not-so-seasonal depression and Covid (Omicron finally got me, despite all precautions I could reasonably take, and even some that were totally unreasonable to take), I decided I needed a little pick-me-up.

I made a mini-me! No, it’s not nearly as cool as Dr. Evil, but nothing touches the OG.

  • Wet, needs-to-be-brushed-again but I’m not sure if it’ll cause split ends hair: check

  • Small, furry dog that was happily ignoring me until I started taking pictures and now suddenly must be held or he will start leaping up and clawing my bare legs with his talons: check

  • Oversized hoodie with no pants, making answering the door a mad scramble, but being too comfortable to do anything about it: check

Her skin is a little too dark and way too unwrinkled, hair isn’t quite the right shade, nor is it quite as long (yes, really, I kept my quarantine hair), and it’s lacking the twenty grey strands that have started to make me feel a bit like I’m slow-motion morphing into either Dr. Strange or Reed Richards, without the cool powers.

Her bust, hips, and backside are way too small, and her tummy too flat - honestly, I don’t actually remember the last time I fit into a size 6 (UK)/ 4 (US) size jeans. But she’s as close as I could get without a reroot, a repaint to show my actual age, and an entirely custom body.

I’m thinking I might have to occasionally photoshop those dark, raccoon chic circles that grace my face when I’ve been deprived of sleep.

What do you think of my mini me? Do you have one?

Have a good one.

Nailed It!

Nailed It!

Leaked Photos

Leaked Photos