Lumpini Park

Lumpini Park

Yes, we’re officially in Bangkok. We went to Lumpini Park - hopped off the MRT line at the Lumpini stop, then we walked through about a quarter of the park to the Si Lom MRT stop. It was such a pretty day, I couldn’t resist stopping to immortalize myself:

Don’t worry, I’m not one of those influencers in the wild who gets angry if people walk in her shot. That’s what the remove tool on photoshop is for, and yes, there were three people in this shot.

However, when an ant started crawling all over my bag, I may or may not have freaked out. Those things leave painful bites, and I’m not all about that.

The park also had DRAGONS, I kid you not!

It would have been really cool to get a picture of me with one of the dragons, but if I’m scared of being bitten by an ant, a dragon would probably be a lot worse.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines Day.



