Mattel Goes Scruffy

Mattel Goes Scruffy

This post has apparently been “borrowed” by a site called Toy Newz, which is why I will be cursing liberally in future posts (as if I needed an excuse).

I’ll be doing a full and in-depth review of this blonde fellow soonish, but I noticed something when I got him. Ignore the blonde-ness, and just check out that facial hair:

I asked Betty to make Cole and Nicholai both “scruffy”, because at the time it wasn’t popular enough to have gone mainstream. I guess it has now…but my boys wear it better:

Unfortunately, much like the Real Housewives Barbie, I’m not bonding with this blonde guy.  I’ve already started calling him “kEvIn” (the male version of “kArEn”) and I really shouldn’t.  There are so few articulated, male dolls out there to work with, limiting myself isn’t a good idea.

Still, maybe after a repaint I’ll be able to bond.

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