A Crisp Autumn Walk

A Crisp Autumn Walk

It feels kind of hollow and insincere to share pictures of my doll strolling through a small park, seemingly living her best doll life, when in some parts of the world, children's hospitals are literally being bombed into oblivion. I try to convince myself that this is one of my escapes, alongside art, and that it's okay. But, is it really?

Then again, I question what I can realistically do to make a difference. I contribute to charities, sign petitions, but it seems like none of it really counts or changes a damn thing. I'm just venting today.

I hope you enjoy the doll pictures; it was a nice change to capture her in the real world instead of a diorama. Thankfully, my dog loves the smell of pine trees, and I was able to get a few quick shots when he paused to investigate the area.

I don’t know where you are in the world or what your political views are. I just hope we can all agree that wiping each other out, especially when over 4,000 children have died, is beyond horrifying.

Sorry this is a bummer, it’s just where my head is at.

Good luck out there.



Real or AI?

Real or AI?