What the f...?

What the f...?

I decided to ask the doll community (four facebook groups) whether or not anyone had gotten an “Extra” doll (like this one) that didn’t have this odd texture shift on the legs.

Within 30 minutes, I’d gotten over 200 comments (after an hour, this was up to 320 people responding!). My quest to find one of these dolls not suffering this affliction has, thus far, proved fruitless. Every single one of the people that commented has confirmed it: all of the dolls have patchy legs.

Mattel, what gives? Where’s the quality control?

Plastically Perfect - Review -Extra Barbie #1 - Damaged Doll 02 - Lightbox Lighting.jpg

Thus far, the only conclusion I’m able to come to is that every single “Extra” doll will have this odd set of patches (uneven ones at that) on their legs.

Why is this a thing?

As if that weren’t bad enough, these are not the only dolls to have this issue. The list is growing, but here are the dolls listed (so far) that have experienced this problem:

  • All of the “Extra” line

  • Florence Nightingale Barbie

  • Musician Barbie

  • Rosa Parks Barbie

  • Wellness Spa Barbie

  • Made to Move Barbies*

  • Susan B. Anthony Barbie*

* The Made to Move Barbies & Susan B. Anthony doll don’t appear to be consistent problems. With Susan B, one person reported patches and two others said their dolls were patch-free. I have one report of a woman who said all of her made to move dolls had these patches, whereas for me, I’ve never seen this on any of my made to move dolls.

Are they flukes? Is it a coin toss?

Either way, I have to ask again:

Mattel: Why is this a thing?

I hope this is an oversight on their part, and not the new standard of dolls. If it is, deboxxers (like yours truly) are going to be sorely disappointed. I can honestly say I would stop buying Barbie if this was the new normal. Let’s hope it’s not.

Fuck you, Twitter

Fuck you, Twitter

Extra #1: Review

Extra #1: Review