Ikea Kitchen Part Three

Ikea Kitchen Part Three

I’m not sure if this piece of Eve’s future kitchen deserves it’s own post or not, but with how challenging it is to get photos right now, you’ll forgive me for trying to spread my content a bit.

So far, I’ve shared my sink / cupboard combination and my kitchen island with oven/stove and bar to eat at…what’s missing from the kitchen? If you said “The fridge”, you’re absolutely right. And what kitchen is complete without one?

Trust me, for a while when I was younger I rented a room that had a mini-fridge that periodically stopped working, and everything stored inside would spoil. A fridge is an absolute must-have for anyone that’s not ordering takeout every single day. I never want to go back to not having one. Ever.

My fridge is pretty great, but I’d love to have something with double doors. Do I really need all that space? No, not really, but that doesn’t mean I can’t indulge and dote on Eve (pretty much my excuse for everything I buy for me/her, isn’t it?)

Playscale Kitchen inspiration, Furniture for Barrbie - Plastically Perfect - Barbie Kitchen Diorama Fridge Inspo -01.jpg

What I wanted was simplicity itself.

A rectangular box with the same height measurement for Eve as my actual fridge has to me. Two doors, with handles, no fancy gadgets or gizmos necessary. I just wanted shelving on the inside. And that’s exactly what I got.

Spot on, Mihail, spot on :)

Playscale Kitchen inspiration, Furniture for Barrbie - Plastically Perfect - Barbie Kitchen Diorama Fridge 01.jpg
Playscale Kitchen inspiration, Furniture for Barrbie - Plastically Perfect - Barbie Kitchen Diorama Fridge 02.jpg
Playscale Kitchen inspiration, Furniture for Barrbie - Plastically Perfect - Barbie Kitchen Diorama Fridge 04.jpg
Playscale Kitchen inspiration, Furniture for Barrbie - Plastically Perfect - Barbie Kitchen Diorama Fridge 03.jpg

I have quite a few goodies that can take up space in my fridge - it would look even more full had I used MDF and divided some of the space into a freezer - but I don’t have anything that requires freezing (real or playscale) at the moment and it felt like a waste of space to section an area off and just leave it empty.

Playscale Kitchen inspiration, Furniture for Barrbie - Plastically Perfect - Barbie Kitchen Diorama Fridge 05.jpg

Leftover pizza, anyone?

Thanks for stopping in. Hopefully I’ll have a nice diorama space for all of these things so I can show them all off more frequently.

See you next time :)

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