
After viewing more than my fair share of body-shaming dolls and complaints about both new and vintage Barbies, I’ve come to the conclusion that Mattel will never be able to please all of the people all of the time. Then again, this is something you can apply to just about everything in life. Except, perhaps, baby Yoda. I think he’s universally adored and he’s actually bridging the gaps between divided Star Wars fans.

But what about Barbie?

Well, my doll philosophy is very simple and, seems as a picture is worth a thousand words:


Just remember, if someone out there is posting photos of their favorite doll, imagine it’s you and your favorite doll before leaving a comment. Be kind. It doesn’t hurt (much), I promise.

Have a wonderful start to the week, and I’ll see you next time :)

Tiny Girl, Tiny House (4/5)

Tiny Girl, Tiny House (4/5)

Boho Barbie Earrings

Boho Barbie Earrings