Early Summer

Early Summer

When I was younger, we used to spend our summers at with my grandparents.  They had a nice piece of property with a garden, a cold mountain stream, and plenty of trees—with swings or hammocks attached for lazy afternoons, of course.  It was enchanting.

My grandmother was fond of flowers; she had an extensive garden filled with a rainbow of pansies, tulips, roses, and more, but of all the beautiful blossoms on display, my favorite were the lilac bushes.  Whether it was intentional or not, they were the primary floral resident on the property.

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Denmark may not be warm enough to blossom year-round, but it’s proving to be well worth the wait. 

Half a world away from my childhood romping grounds, it’s been a treat to watch my little portion of Copenhagen come into bloom.  I find, once again, I’m surrounded by lilac bushes in white, dark purple, and the very color the bushes are named after:  lilac. 

Each one beautiful, bringing with it a wonderful, fragrant scent and a dash of nostalgia.

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As you can probably imagine, I’ve been spending a good deal of my time outdoors.  Krull is thrilled and we’re getting ample exercise.  Today I even brought some of the outdoors home with me…I might have gone overboard, but as I type this up, the room is filled with the intoxicating, perfectly married scent of nostalgia and lilacs.

More Barbie Jewelry :)

More Barbie Jewelry :)

Introducing:  Heather

Introducing: Heather