Moira's Birthday!

Moira's Birthday!

My dearest Moira,

As we travel once more around the sun, I celebrate each and every second I get to spend with you.
Today marks another lap in our journey through space, but more importantly it marks the day your shinning star was born.

Happy birthday, my love.

Here we see Logan.  He is an OOAK repainted BMR1959 Flocked Green Haired Ken, now bald.  He stands, smiling in a kitchen diorama with a spread of food.  Thai food, burgers, fries, shakes, and pizza adorn the countertop.  He smiles out at the audience

I know my sweet wife, she’s terribly indecisive. So, when it comes time for dinner on her birthday, I get a little bit of everything. Sadly, we don’t have a Wendy’s here, but I did the best I could. This spread, combined with a horror movie marathon, I’m hoping to make her birthday one to remember.

He's an artist!

He's an artist!

Farewell, Olivia

Farewell, Olivia