Taking My Own Advice

Taking My Own Advice

I’m one of the worst offenders as far as “do as I say, not as I do” when it comes to self-care.

I encourage my loved ones to rest, to give themselves breaks when they fail to accomplish a goal or complete a task, and stress the importance of resting after they’re sick.

So, it came as no surprise to me that, earlier today, I freaked out when I didn’t have the energy reserves to get as many chores done as I wanted. For some reason, my body aches like that second-day after pushing too hard at the gym.

But I haven’t been working out at all … 😐

I took some “me time”, got centered (or tried to), and then settled in to play with Moira and Krull. Just look at how bendy her knees are! I certainly can’t bend like that. And yes, my dog (who Krull is modelled on) absolutely decided it was playtime while I was trying to zen out. He is an instant mood booster, just too fluffy for his own good.

Now, I’m not trying to claim that playing with dolls or attempted meditation are the answers to all of life’s stresses. But, in this particular situation, it helped me to be able to take a step back. Truth is, I need to give my body time to heal, and take it easy for a while longer. Of course, waiting requires patience.

May the odds be ever in my favor 😆

I hope your weekend is exactly what you need it to be in order to be happy, healthy, and feel refreshed come Monday morning. Barring an apocalypse, it will be here, on schedule.

Expectations Vs Reality

Expectations Vs Reality

I got a Couch!

I got a Couch!