It's  A Match

It's A Match

I have this tendency to want to “couple up” my dolls. Unfortunately for Nicholai, until recently, I haven’t had much luck with pairing him up. Heather is lovely, but I never really felt like they were a couple. And I’m not worried about Heather, she strikes me as being independent and strong. Nicholai, though, not so much (sorry, buddy!)

A few days ago I was taking pictures of my dolls for skin tone comparison - yes, I’m still working on that chart - and I put two dolls together and they just clicked. I love when that happens! I sent the pairing to M, who agreed.

I’m not really a big fan of her makeup, but a little Faceapp tweaking helped with that. Once she’d been adjusted, a name had to be picked.

Meet Nicole, aka Nikki:

Yes, I’m shipping Nick and Nikki and I’m not sorry…yet.

They’re background characters, but I do like coupling people up. Good luck, you two!

Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans

Mattel Goes Scruffy

Mattel Goes Scruffy