It has come to our attention that, despite our best efforts with watermarking each picture with the blog name, there are still scum-sucking bottom feeding pieces of crap stealing pictures of our dolls in order to rip people off.  They are doing this in an attempt to make people *think* they are purchasing one of these lovely OOAK dolls for an extremely low price, and then sending them an entirely different doll. 

When we are notified that this is happening, we send a cease-and-desist notice and report the associated social media accounts. 

But that’s all we can do!

Social media companies decide whether or not to take something down and, sadly, Meta has proven time and again that they are just fine will fake/scammy sellers, so long as they get their cut.

We are not in any way associated with these scam sites. 

No, we will not be refunding your money, because we are not the ones who took it. We have nothing to do with these scam sites, we don’t know who is behind them, and we (clearly) aren’t very effective at forcing them to stop.

Please, do not buy any of the repainted dolls that you see on this site, anywhere, ever.  The repainted dolls (tagged OOAK) are just that:  One Of A Kind.  They are hand-repainted by a very talented artist and we have no plans to sell any of them. The artist herself has an Etsy store, and we have an Etsy shop ourselves, but anyone else advertising with these dolls is not an honest person and you should not give them your money.

Good luck.



Fun In The Sun

Fun In The Sun