Buttons = Danger

Buttons = Danger

I know the title of the post today is ominous, but it’s also true.

There’s an old adage: Beware the button that pops off of a coat and needs to be sewn back on. Actually, that’s not an old adage, it’s just what happened…and how I ended up like this:

Eve (an OOAK repainted made to move black hair barbie) sitting on a playscale sized, home-made linen couch, with rolls of fabric heaped all around her!

Oh sure, I look happy, but am I? Well, I suppose I am, for now, but the nerves are starting to creep in. You see, after the success of the button restored to Cole’s winter coat, I was feeling bold and ambitious. One might even say giddy.

Then the thought popped into my head, a dangerous thought, a thought that should not be messed with, a thought I’ve had many times in the past:

Why am I not sewing for myself?

Next thing I knew, I’d found an online fabric store that was having a 50% off sale and…

Eve, my ooak repainted made to move barbie doll, leaning back on a dozen bolts of colorful, patterned cloth.

I may have gotten slightly carried away in the excitement of my sartorial success. Maybe. Now I’m wondering if I actually can sew anything for myself, or if I’ve just spent my clothing budget for the next few months on fabric that will never be turned into anything, or go the way of so many other unfinished projects … dreadful thought.

Online shopping is dangerous…when you have impulse control problems and you’re riding the success of the newly re-attached button.

Feeling Hot!

Feeling Hot!

Signature Review

Signature Review