Introducing:  Madison

Introducing: Madison

Yes, you saw that right in the thumbnail.  I've hopped on the overly-crowded bandwagon and snagged myself a tan, pink-haired, mermaid Barbie. I couldn't resist the allure of the Odile face mold, and I stumbled upon her during my adventures in Bangkok.

Let me tell you, that city has some serious Barbie hunters prowling around.  I purchased her, decided to grab lunch, went back to get a second doll (not more than an hour later, it was the same area) and the five that were on the shelf were gone.  Woah, that was fast!

Quick heads up: If you're eyeing this doll for your collection, she comes in two skin tone variations.  One is significantly darker than the other, and I’m not sure if there’s a way to tell which one you’re going to get before it arrives.  As a result, her made-to-move counterpart/body donor may vary. For Madison’s rebody, I opted for the BMR1959 checkered pants Barbie. It's not a perfect match, but it gets pretty close.

Now, about her name... When I was brainstorming, the first moniker that popped into my head was Crystal Chandelier. Yeah, you read that correctly. But then I thought, "Hmm, maybe that's a tad too 'trailer park' for our elegant mermaid here." And hey, I can joke about it – after all, I spent my formative years living in a singlewide. After some pondering, I settled on Madison Sage.

The name Madison is a nod to the classic movie "Splash" – I'm really showing my age with this reference, aren't I? I adored that film as a kid, still think that the fin Madison had was just awesome. And as for her surname, Sage just exudes a certain elegance that suits this doll to a tee.

With her new made-to-move body, Madison is ready to strike a pose and dive into all sorts of adventures.  I’ll keep my eyes peeled for a curvy body donor.

Until next time, happy playing.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day

