Introducing:  Hazel

Introducing: Hazel

Allow me to introduce Hazel:

She’s an adorable hybrid doll with a pristine, unpainted visage. While I typically find myself unimpressed with Mattel's default faces, this one has surprisingly won me over.

Please note that I've enhanced her makeup using Photoshop. For those interested in an unaltered review of the original doll, stay tuned; one is currently in progress, with plenty of pictures.

Yes, I've very daringly separated her head from its original model-muse body (still causes nausea when I try it). The new, delightfully articulated one was generously donated by a curvy Made to Move Barbie, specifically the strawberry blonde adorned with floral leggings, the same body used for Moira. I can't deny I have a preference for the curvier gals.

Hazel was thoughtfully bestowed upon me as a birthday gift from my partner (thank you, honey!), and I've decided to dress her predominantly in the fabulous fashions of the 1950s.

Occasionally, I find myself captivated by the aesthetic of that era—the fashion and hairstyles, to be clear—rather than the unfortunate clusterfuckery of the societal landscape that offered little room for those not straight, white, and Christian. Speaking of, seems as some people still haven’t grasped the concept:

I hope you've enjoyed the pictures.

Wishing you a splendid weekend ahead.

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