

My husband has been saying that he'd help me put this room box together for more than 365 days.  In fact, I looked it up, and I’ve had this room, disassembled, since early September, 2020.

That’s two years of me hearing “tomorrow”, or “soon”.

He’s a good person, don’t get me wrong, but I could easily be waiting another two years for him to actually decide to follow through. No thanks. Why would I wait, you ask?  It boils down to my hand tremors. 

I’m not good with fine detail or precision work anymore, or anything that requires a tight grip - seems to make my tremors worse. Even getting plants onto a stand is hit or miss, I hate it, but it’s my reality.  Even so, today, I reached my “fuck it” point.  Better to try and fail.

I used a combination of double-sided tape, hot glue, ductape, and violent determination. The results aren’'t perfect, but at least I won’'t be glowering at the unassembled pieces on the shelf anymore.

Moira is an OOAK repainted made to move curvy barbie with strawberry blonde hair.  Here we see her, selfie-style, with a big smile and a sweet treat, seated in her unfinished roombox.

I intend to paint it soon.  In the meantime, I thought it would be nice for Moira to sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labor. 

Hope everyone’s Monday is as productive as mine turned out to be. See you next time.

Horsin' Around

Horsin' Around

Uhm, No

Uhm, No