Tiny Girl Tiny House (3/5)

Tiny Girl Tiny House (3/5)

Hi folks,

Thanks for humoring me with the BMR1959 reviews detour. I hope you enjoyed reading them. Today, I’m going to re-focus on the “Tiny Girl, Tiny House” series. If you missed the first post, you can find it here, and the second post is here. Now that I’ve got my shelving built for the miniature version of the tiny house, it was time for step eight. As for this post, we’re jumping right in with…

Step Eight: Over-think everything, have a mild freak out, and flipping a coin to get started.

Now, if you’re more decisive than I am, and you know which shelf you want to use for which rooms – good for you. For me, as you can probably tell by step eight, it wasn’t that easy – and yes, I actually flipped the coin.

I knew I wanted an open floor plan containing a combination of the kitchen and living-room area, thus forcing the other shelf to contain a bedroom and bathroom. That is, assuming I make a bathroom – I’m on the fence about it. It seems weird…would I really want pictures in there? Hmmm.

Not all of the rooms were going to need the exact same flooring, space, window positioning, or even walls dividing them. While I had/have quite a bit of foam board and cardboard on hand, I’d rather not waste any if I can help it.

Step Nine: Draw the layout, it’ll be easier…

Tiny Girl Tiny House, Playscale House Diorama Barbie - Plastically Perfect - Sketch w Measurements.jpg

Yep, drawing things with accurate measurements is definitely the way to go. At least, it was for me. I may, at some point, end up re-arranging the place so the kitchen and living room are on opposite ends. The original reason for their current position, in my original sketch, was plumbing. Not exactly something I need to worry about with a diorama, though, is it?

As I began sketching the layout, I was distracted by that third available shelf. It began singing its siren song, tempting me. In fact, right up until the moment I started writing this sentence, I hadn’t even thought about making something out of the topmost, open shelf.

Oh my, the possibilities…!

Step Ten: Remind myself to stay focused on the goal.

Must stay focused. You see, this is a time-travel post, I’m writing it after Halloween, but in truth this step came before Halloween and, at the time, I was starting to feel a little bit of pressure. I wanted to make sure that my first post, written from the perspective of Moira, was up on Samhain, so the clock was ticking on getting the first level (kitchen/living room) done “enough” to be presentable.

Step Eleven: Make a “To Do” list that needs to be done before the deadline.

1. Floor
2. Walls
3. Windows
4. Window Views
5. Furniture
6. Diorama bits & bobs
7. Window lighting? Maybe…

Thanks for stopping in and checking out my very slow progress for this tiny girl, tiny house project. It’s getting there…sorta…

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