Thank you!

Thank you!

So, this is random, but whatever. I just wanted to do a combination “thank you”/recommend a handful of doll-centric youtube channels for those who might missing out.

It’s not an end-all-be-all ultimate list, nor am I saying I agree with absolutely every single uttered statement from these people. For some, I haven’t even watched every single video they’ve made, but the ones I have watched, I liked enough to want to promote them beyond a like, sub, and comment.

My most recent “discovery” is Jeffrey Steinman Reviews. His channel, as the warning at the beginning of the videos reaffirms, is not for kids. It’s a wonderful mix of appreciation for dolls, fantastically adult language, and sarcasm. How has no one introduced me to him before?!

*Discovery in this sense that I’m a white, European-descended individual who inadvertently stumbled onto something that literally thousands of other people already knew about, but because I’m me, it’s a ‘discovery’. Yes, this is a total poke at Columbus and yes, I’m having a go at myself in the process. Yay for self-deprecating humor.

I’ve been watching “TooHunky Toys” for…oh my goodness, ages. Jason’s videos are upbeat, positive, and honest and I really like that about him. The first video I watched from him, he was rebodying color reveal doll heads—which honestly, I was not impressed with those dolls at all—onto WWE bodies. The results were awesome. I’m loving his Dollar Store Diorama series, too.

“Lonely Doll” is someone I’ve been following on Instagram, they’re newer to Youtube with just 108 subscribers and 1 video. But that video…oh my god, yes! They gave the Flight of Fashion Barbie a wonderful makeover, enhancing all of my favorite parts of the doll’s outfit, taking her to the next level. This person is extremely skilled and gorgeous the results speak for themselves.

These aren’t the only youtubers that I watch, they’re just the doll-centric ones I’m recommending right now.  Who are some of your favorites?  Who do you think I should be watching?  Or, more accurately, who am I missing out on?  Let me know in the comments below. 

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