Green Screen Fail(ish)

Green Screen Fail(ish)

Dee got a green screen for work purposes AKA to hide how messy our place gets from her co-workers. I tried it out. Not sure what I did wrong.  Jacinda is still beautiful, but what’s with the edges of the hair? Am I being too critical?

Plastically Perfect Curvy Convention On The Avenue Barbie AKA Jacinda with Green Screen Test with Faceapp Smile and Background.jpg

Here’s the original image minus the faceapp changes:

Plastically Perfect Curvy Convention On The Avenue Barbie AKA Jacinda Green Screen Background.jpg

Integrity Toys, eat your heart out, my girl is perfection!

Thank you, PE, for the earrings, they suit Jacinda so well!

Spring in Copenhagen

Spring in Copenhagen

Barbie's Girlfriend?

Barbie's Girlfriend?