Barbie's Girlfriend?

Barbie's Girlfriend?

The headline on the Independent reads, “Does Barbie really have a girlfriend now?”

The picture in question is actually several years old, but that hasn’t stopped the internet from going into a frenzy. Then again, when is it not frenzied over someone’s sex life or sexuality? Besides, this is Barbie, the flame to the drama moth, she will not be resisted.

To me, it looks as though they could be a couple, or she could be a close friend or just an ally. It’s not concrete one way or another. Undoubtedly strategic, after all, Mattel doesn’t want to alienate the assholes who support and promote conversion therapy. If I happen to alienate them, I’ll consider it a win.

Two of my Barbie dolls have been girlfriends for years, and I left very little room for doubt or conjecture in their first pose together:

Plastically Perfect - Repainted OOAK skater redhead made to move Barbie - Nomi and Anne - Gay Lesbian Barbie Dolls.jpg

I love Anne and Nomi together. I get that it’s not the same as an official gay Barbie, but let’s be real, the beauty of Barbie is she can be anything, including a lesbian. Your imagination is the limit.

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