Fuck you, Twitter

Fuck you, Twitter

Hello my lovely readers,

If you are easily triggered by adult language, please don’t read this post. Thank you!

Twitter decided, in all its infinite bot “wisdom” ( 😉 😆 ) to suspend my account for twelve hours because I summarized all the crazy mis and disinformation people were spreading about Covid 19 in a single tweet. I even gave context with “Seriously, this is the crazy crap people think?”

Naturally, I appealed this, because context matters, and no rational human being would look at this and back it up. Unfortunately, I got a notice from Twitter stating that their moderators were overworked - you’re a global social networking program: HIRE MORE - so the suspension would stand.

Dear Twitter moderator idiots: CONTEXT MATTERS.

Not that they care about context, or anyone who uses their platform, they’re too big to give a fuck about one person having no voice for a day. Not that they’d ever suspend someone like Donald Trump…how many lies has that man spread on the platform? Special rules for special people, yet again – my god, our culture is so rife with double standards. Can you hear the sound of my eyes rolling, because it’s pretty fucking loud in our condo.

Oh, you’ve never been suspended from Twitter? Lucky you, this was my first, too. But, when you’re suspended, you spend 12 hours unable to Tweet, Retweet, or Like. Basically, they’ve taken the “social” part out of “social media”; sucking the entire reason for their platform completely out of existence.

It was pointed out to me that I could simply make a new profile and tweet/like, etc. But it seems like a lot of effort considering the reality I’ve discovered:

Twitter does not spark joy.

Unfortunately for me, being a woman, Twitter is a bit of a minefield. I guess most social media is, but Twitter has sucked in a sub-culture that isn’t welcoming to women at all.

Ask yourself: Are you prepared to be blamed for literally everything under the sun by “Men’s Rights Activists” whose only goal in life is to blame literally every single negative thing on women? These folks don’t get suspended, or silenced, as they claim that spousal and date rape aren’t real and refer to paying child support as “divorce rape”; I’ve even seen one fellow talk about how children as young as the age of eight can absolutely consent to a sexual relationship. I wish I was kidding. Yet they remain, active and vocal, on Twitter.

Are you ready to receive an army of unsolicited dick pics? I thought having “scary doll person” as my name and a literal plastic doll as my avatar would limit these; it did at first, but after a few months, I actually got more than I did before…what the fuck?

They say you learn something new every day, so maybe this is your something for today: “Agalmatophilia” is the sexual attraction to dolls and statues. Because of course that’s a thing. I’m not going to kink shame, but please know that my Twitter profile is, in fact, not a dating profile and dicks are not aesthetically pleasing. If you’re going to send someone something kinky, could you at least make it artistic?

If you’re not prepared to deal with these things, and I’m not entirely certain I was, Twitter may not be for you. Even so, I decided to stay and fight the good fight despite these…unique challenges. While I’ll still be on the platform and I hold the same beliefs – and if you follow me there, I’m pretty vocal about these things – I don’t think I’m going to be as active as I was before. The truth is, when Twitter silenced me, I realized that they can take my voice.

Fuck that.

See, I was raised in a religion, and a culture spawned from said religion, that was more or less male centric.  If I (a girl) asked a question, I was told to “stop disrupting class” or smacked with a ruler.  I’d whisper my question to my best friend and he’d ask the questions and get praised for being a “critical thinker” and told he was going to be a great leader in the church.  It was a soul-crushing lesson, and I think one of the reasons I loathe double-standards.

My eventual reason for leaving the church, after refusing to be baptized, was over a matter of racism.  I didn’t look back.  What can I say, I hold a grudge against assholes who preach and don’t practice. “Put the Christ back in Christmas?” how about we start with putting it back in Christians, first.

I’ve had enough of being told that my voice doesn’t matter.  I’m not going to let some poorly-written algorithm, or moderators that are too stupid to comprehend basic concepts of context, silence me.  Dear Twitter: 

Code better.
Hire Smarter.

Until then, your platform is one I can, as it turns out, live happier without.



What the f...?

What the f...?