Happy 60th, Ken!

Happy 60th, Ken!

That’s right, today is Ken’s 60th birthday, a nice round number. Ken made his debut on March 11th, 1961 at the American International Toy Fair. Mattel is celebrating with three new Ken dolls.

Plastically Perfect - Happy 60th Birthday Ken - 60th anniversary Kens.jpg

As I mentioned on Barbie’s birthday, Barbie was named after Ruth Handler’s daughter. Oddly, she named Barbie’s plastic boyfriend Kenneth Sean Carson, aka Ken, after her son. I’m not going to kink shame, but getting major Lannister/Targaryen vibes here. Hmmmm.

Questionable family dynamics aside, have a good 60th, Ken. Thanks for adding variety to the doll world. It wouldn’t be the same without you.

Difficult Time

Difficult Time

Yes, yes, yes!

Yes, yes, yes!