Difficult Time

Difficult Time

Dear Readers,

In Denmark today, an adorable little dog who lives in the heart of his mom (PE) isn’t doing so well right now. He’s been a part of the family for 13 years and in that time he’s literally transformed the lives of those closest to him. His particular brand of fluffy cuteness and snuffling adoration has brought countless comforts and soothed many a painful day. For anyone who suffers PTSD, you know how much a dog can change your entire life.

In his presence you must spell out the words 'treat' or 'walk'. To do otherwise is to imply you agree with him and therefore must comply with your uttered promise. Or, that you have supreme willpower in regards to resisting his charms.

One of his favorite places is under PE's feet. But only when she's cooking. Or bringing in groceries, or really any time his beloved human is ambulatory. Her neck is also a favorite place, but only when she's sleeping. Oh, and snoozing in her chair whenever she wants to use it.

Krull is the 1/6th felt version of the dog fighting for his life right now.

Krull is the 1/6th felt version of the dog fighting for his life right now.

He's a bit of a thief too, but of sentimental things like shirts and bras. We're pretty sure he's made off with several tassels from a dreamcatcher too. Where does he hide them? Who knows? Likely next to his favorite toys- The Tiger and The Bunny. He’s got several little caves that go unmolested by his humans. I say he's like a dragon and has a secret horde of loot stashed away somewhere. Likely full of all sorts of things everyone is missing. There's a reason PE is always short on socks.

He isn't just a dog, he's *the* dog. He's family and lets everyone know it. Everyone understands any cute noise or baby talk during a phone call or video chat is likely because he entered the room or had been summoned from his mystery lair. Just as widely known is should any other dog be attended in his presence, it’s clear that person is insane and he knows the only remedy: Interdiction. He isn't rude or mean about such therapy, he just knows what's best for all involved and has plenty of love to go around. Sometimes we humans just need a reminder of who's first.

None of us live forever, but that doesn't mean we want our loved ones to leave sooner than necessary. So I ask all who read this a favor...

Whatever your beliefs, whatever your faith, I ask you send all the positive energy, vibes, prayers, and good will to this little dog and his family you can spare. They need it, *he* needs it. Dogs are wonderful people and wonderful people deserve all the help they can get.

New Poppy Parker WClub

New Poppy Parker WClub

Happy 60th, Ken!

Happy 60th, Ken!