Nailed It!

Nailed It!

I’m sure we’ve all seen the “Nailed it!” memes online, and maybe some of you have even seen the hillarious baking show on Netflix - trust me, some of those reveals made my sides hurt - so today I’m bringing you my own version. I’m going to share both my successes, and my spectacularly epic failures, with you. You can decide which are which, while I sit back and internally cringe.

This challenge is the humble bale of hay.

For anyone who needs a memory refresh, this is the bale I’m basing my attempt on, it’s from the Our Generation Hay or Neigh set (that name still cracks me up):

Unlike the bale of hay above, I’m not using hard plastics - I’m using cardboard boxes, hot glue, and some acrylic paint.

And here’s where I landed with my own hay bale:

So, did I nail it? 😆😆😆

I think Moira summed it up nicely:

Well, for those who enjoy looking at trainwrecks: fear not, I’m far from finished! I’ll have more attempts and I’ll share them all 😆

Difficult Conversation

Difficult Conversation

Our Generation

Our Generation