Broken Barbie Bits!

Broken Barbie Bits!

I had a tough time getting this jacket on Jacinda. The first few tries her intricate hands with her divided digits kept getting snagged in the fabric. I’ve seen pictures of dolls with broken thumbs and damaged hands: NOPE!

Plastically Perfect - Doll Clothing Tip 101 - Wrap Hands In Clingfilm if Fingers Get Stuck on Tight-Fitting Clothes - Fingers.jpg

The woman who runs this blog suggested that I wrap her hands nice and tight in plastic wrap and just take it slow. Great advice and it worked.

Plastically Perfect - Doll Clothing Tip 101 - Wrap Hands In Clingfilm if Fingers Get Stuck on Tight-Fitting Clothes.jpg

It would suck to spend this much money on a doll only to ruin her by being impatient. That sounds like a terrible way to learn a life lesson!

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