Doll Haul Goodies

Doll Haul Goodies

Our last day in Bangkok was a sweltering 38c with periodic showers of mind-bogglingly warm rain that had nearly zero cooling effect.  We had four hours to kill before heading to the airport and we decided that both indoor and air-conditioned were an absolute must. 

Being suckers for good food, we decided to check out Amarin Plaza’s foot court, located in the heart of Bangkok’s Ratchaprasong district.  It reminded us both of the glory days of the MBK center in the best possible way.  We were expecting delicious food and New Hwang Ly delivered my personal favorite:  duck with noodle and soup on the side – Chinese food with a Thai twist.  Highly recommended.

After feasting, we had a poke around and discovered little pop-up shops displaying hand-made items.  Is this where the MBK center creatives have disappeared to?

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Having already packed, Logan was nervous about what I could manage to squeeze into our strained suitcases.  He also seemed to think that re-packing breakables while in a cab, weaving through Bangkok’s chaotic traffic, might pose some sort of challenge.

Challenge accepted!

Here’s what our “limited shopping” this trip ended up with us bringing home…

A modest, traditional Thai tea set:

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- A fruit stand (immediately purchased fruit to show it off properly):

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- A vase:

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- A large “Elephant Parade” elephant:

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- Several questionably “bronze” statues:

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This does not include scarves, fabric, and a few other goodies that may have stowed away with us.

What can I say? Luck was on my side; though to hear Logan tell it, I’m some sort of packing wizard. To be fair, I was only packing in the vase, fruit stand, and tea set while in the cab and I may have cursed a few…thousand times. Somehow, everything not only fit, but managed to survive the rigors of international travel and rough airport baggage handling.

I’m very pleased to have somewhere interesting to poke around for hand-made goods on our next Bangkok adventure.

Thanks for stopping in and I’ll see you soon.

Poolside Relaxation

Poolside Relaxation

Barbie In Bangkok

Barbie In Bangkok