Eve's Little Friend

Eve's Little Friend

Early in my marriage, thousands of miles from my entire family and any friends I’d ever had, I was struggling with feeling alone.  My husband and I decided to adopt a dog and he’s been a treasured companion ever since, a part of the family, really.  It only seemed natural that Eve have a pet as well, as my little guy is such a big part of my life.

Unfortunately, the playscale (1:6) pet scene here locally is, in a word, limited – very, very limited.  The best thing that I could find looked like this:

OOAK - Felt Playscale Pekingese - Barbie Pet Krull - Plastically Perfect 02.jpg

While the big, sad eyes are cute and the over-sized head, very similar to Barbie dolls themselves in that sense, it’s pretty far off the mark of what I was looking for. When in images with Eve, it looked exactly like what it is: plastic.

Thankfully, for picky folks out there like yours truly, we have options. And yes, some of them – though certainly not all – are budget-friendly. Like so many other treasures, I found this cute little felt fellow (also seen in my last post) via Etsy:

OOAK - Felt Playscale Pekingese - Barbie Pet Krull - Plastically Perfect 03.jpg
OOAK - Felt Playscale Pekingese - Barbie Pet Krull - Plastically Perfect 04.jpg

He’s not very poseable, but with a little creativity, he can look like he’s in different positions.  I’m actually considering getting a second one made, in a sleeping position, as that’s what my dog does most of the time.  Right now, he’s snoring with his head resting on my foot under the desk.

For those of you concerned about dog hair, they may not be the right choice as they do shed a little bit.  That being said, my clothes—and Eve’s, sometimes, for that matter—are already covered by actual dog hair, so there’s nothing new for either of us in that regard.

OOAK - Felt Playscale Pekingese - Barbie Pet Krull - Plastically Perfect 05.jpg
OOAK - Felt Playscale Pekingese - Barbie Pet Krull - Plastically Perfect 06.jpg

I’m really pleased with this little guy; I’ve decided his name should be Krull, a big-dog attitude deserves a big-dog name.  If anyone has tips on where I can find accessories for him, like a leash with a harness or some such, please let me know.

Thanks for stopping by :)

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