Dragon Empress Barbie

Dragon Empress Barbie

Hi there, everyone,

I’m going to have tons of posts with everyone as soon as I’m back from vacation unless I’m eaten by a murderfish while diving. In the meantime, I’ve scheduled posts all the way up to the 24th of February. At that point, I’m going to try and post some pictures and write a post while on vacation - that might be a challenge without photoshop, or from inside the belly of a bull shark.

*In all seriousness the likelihood of being attacked and killed by a shark is statistically lower than having a vending machine crush you to death. I’m teasing about the sharks.

Cross your fingers for me?

Normally I don’t bother posting about upcoming dolls, but this one caught my eye some time back. Unfortunately, Mattel wanted to keep her rather hush-hush and, as a result, no one was allowed to share her picture lest they risk having their preview status revoked for leaking and spoilers and all that jazz.

dragon empress barbie 01.jpg
dragon empress barbie 02.jpg

I’m excited to see more fantasy-esque dolls coming out of Mattel, I hope this is a new trend they fully embrace in 2020. I’d love to see raven dolls, mermaids, the whole nine yards.

That said, I likely won’t be ordering this particular doll myself as I hate to keep dolls in their boxes or original costumes, and that bodice looks, shall we say, difficult. I love the scales and if it were something that could clip into place, I’d be over the moon. I’m guessing it’s going to be similar to the bodice worn by Queen Hippolyta, which took a dremel to remove and it was destroyed in the process, not something I’m keen to experience with this doll.

Still, I like fantasy dolls and I’d love to see some with other skin tones - gold, maybe, with fire-toned hair. The possibilities are endless when you stop thinking about it within the limits of what’s possible on people. I’d also like to see more of them articulated, with costumes that can be clipped on/off easily. C’mon Mattel, you can do it!

What do you think of this new Dragon Empress? Will she be joining your collection?

Travel Anxiety

Travel Anxiety

